It all started with the moon. I got so tired of trying to take pictures of the moon with my cell phone camera while camping. That all too familiar little whiteish blob of light every time I tried to take a picture of it.

I love camping and one of my favorite things to do is lay down where there’s a clear spot in the canopy of trees above so I can stare at the stars and moon. I quickly found that cellphone cameras were pretty much useless.

So, I studied up. I learned how to take pictures of the moon. What equipment I needed, what settings I needed to use, but little did I know what this would evolve into. It turned into a passion, for photography, for the stars, for nature, for camping and hiking and just being in nature in general. It’s led me on some pretty amazing adventures.

These photos are a result of them.

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my little corner of the internet.